Liver Surveillance

HCC Surveillance

The main risk factor for primary hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, which can often go undiagnosed for many year years before symptoms develop. Many of us are at risk of cirrhosis due to alcohol misuse, type 2 diabetes, obesity, or viral hepatitis.

Earlier diagnosis leads to better outcomes in hepatocellular cancer, so when you are on surveillance you will be offered a 6 monthly check up appointment. Patients on surveillance are normally there due to hitting a certain criteria, which you can find out more about on the video below.


Community Scanning Pilot

Our South West Peninsula - Operational Delivery Network for Hepatitis C were successful in their NHS England bid to pilot community scanning in and around the Plymouth area. The aim of this pilot is to bring the opportunity for a liver health check into the community, this will involve a specialist team offering screening for liver disease via a short risk factor assessment followed by capillary blood tests for viral hepatitis and/or a FibroScan.

FibroScan is a quick, non-invasive bedside scan which can rule out or indicate liver cirrhosis. Those with concerning results will be referred directly into hepatology services for clinical review and cancer surveillance.

More information on this service can be found on the below video.