Welcome to The Peninsula Soft Tissue Sarcoma Service
The Peninsula Soft Tissue Sarcoma Service provides expert surgical and oncological care to patients from Devon and Cornwall suspected of having or have been diagnosed with a soft tissue sarcoma.
We are one of 15 NICE accredited Specialist Soft Tissue Sarcoma Services and see in excess of 100 new soft tissue sarcomas each year.

The Peninsula Sarcoma Service provides diagnostic, surgical and oncological treatments for soft tissue sarcoma with surgery offered at two sites (Exeter and Plymouth) and oncology services provided at other local centres. There is a single multidisciplinary team (MDT) meeting for the region which consists of radiologists, surgeons, histopathologists, oncologists, senior nurses and admin support staff from across the Peninsula at Plymouth, Cornwall and Exeter. In addition the Sarcoma Clinical Advisory Group provides leadership and clinical support for continued service development to ensure excellent standards of clinical care are maintained.
Patients referred with suspected soft tissue sarcoma may be seen in diagnostic clinics for clinical assessment, imaging and biopsy in Plymouth, Exeter and Cornwall sites. These clinics are delivered by consultant musculoskeletal radiologists who are core members of the sarcoma multi-disciplinary team.
All surgical treatment is undertaken by specialist sarcoma surgeons at Plymouth and Exeter. Specialist histopathology is provided in Plymouth and Exeter.
Oncology treatments such as radiotherapy and Systemic Anti Cancer Therapy (SACT) is delivered by specialist sarcoma oncologists in acute trusts across the Peninsula Cancer Alliance.
The Peninsula refers Paediatric and Teenage and Young Adults to the specialist centre in Bristol. Suspected and confirmed bone sarcomas are referred to one of the five specialist centres across the country.
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