How to Get Involved

Patient Engagement and Involvement

Engagement with patients and the public is essential to ensure services are responsive to the needs of people affected by cancer throughout their cancer journey. Patients and the public have a unique perspective on how the NHS diagnoses and treats cancer and supports cancer patients after their treatment.

By sharing your experiences you can help us to shape future services and ensure they meet the needs of every patient and local population. We would also like to hear the views of cancer patient families and carers.

There are lots of different ways to get involved in the work of the Peninsula Cancer Alliance and our NHS provider trusts and commissioners. These are described below:

  • Join A site specific network group as a user representative
  • Join the Peninsula Cancer Alliance Patient Forum as a Patient Advisor
  • Share your story with us at training sessions or at educational events
  • Join one of regular focus groups

Please see Role descriptions and application forms below. For further information please contact us below.

Role Descriptions and Application Forms

Interested? Get in contact by completing the form below

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National Cancer Patient Experience Survey

The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey (NCPES) aims to monitor what's working well and identify what could be improved for future cancer patients. All NHS patients who have cancer related care or treatment as an inpatient or day case during the sampling period are invited to take part.

Results are published at a Trust, CCG, Alliance and Regional level, on the NCPES website

Complaints and Comments

The service treating you will have a process in place for dealing with complaints and receiving comments about the standard of care you are receiving or have received. These processes tell the service treating you or your loved one what it is doing well and where it could and should do better.