If you have not had a Lung Cancer Screening appointment

If you don't meet the criteria, you will not have been invited for your Lung Cancer Screening by our service provider InHealth.

You must be:

  • Aged over 55 and under 75
  • A smoker or ever smoked
  • For this programme - you need to be registered with a GP in Devon or Cornwall.

If you have not told your doctors that you have smoked or are still smoking, you will not be registered on their system and therefore will not have been invited to have a lung cancer screening, even if you meet the age criteria.

What if I meet the criteria but I have not received a letter? 

You can contact our team on 01872 307138 who will be able to offer assistance and guidance.

What if I'm worried about my lung health?

If you have any symptoms you are worried about, for instance a persistent cough that you have had for 3 weeks or more, or feeling breathless, you should make an appointment with your GP.

For more information about lung conditions and what to do if you have symptoms you're not sure about visit www.nhs.uk.