The Peninsula Cancer Alliance; working across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, is one of 21 cancer alliances across England, bringing together clinical and other senior leaders and patients.

We plan and lead locally to deliver the ambitions set out in the NHS long-term plan. Reduce variation in outcomes and improve access to high quality, evidence based interventions across whole pathways, and for the alliances whole population.

For more information visit our projects page to see the work we are doing to transform the diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer patients in their local area. 

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Events and Newsletter

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Latest News Around the Peninsula Cancer Alliance

NHS Cancer Programme-Quarterly Report-With Some Familiar Faces!

The NHS Cancer Programme launched its quarter 3 report last week.  The report summarises key milestones from April 2020 up to the end of December, and it provides an update on the work of the NHS Cancer Programme. The NHS Cancer Programme leads the delivery of the NHS Long Term…

Simple Test Can Detect Early Signs of Bowel Cancer

A bowel cancer home test that costs just £4 could save thousands of lives. The kit is already sent out to people over 60 every two years, but scientists say it should be used on those in their fifties to spot early signs of the disease. Researchers at the University…

Take action! We want you to recognise the signs of lung cancer.

  We are urging people to take action and recognise the signs of lung cancer following a worrying decline in people attending appointments. Latest figures have highlighted the drop in patients seeking medical help when experiencing potential symptoms of lung cancer; and fewer people are accessing treatment for the condition…