Finding Innovative Solutions

Leading on innovations that will provide a better patient experience, and quality of life for people living with and beyond cancer.

Improving Cancer Services

Working together to diagnose patients earlier and improve their treatment options.

Access for everyone

Reducing inequalities and improving healthcare access for the population.

 The Peninsula Cancer Alliance work across Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, and is one of 21 cancer alliances across England, bringing together clinical and other senior leaders and patients.

We plan and lead locally to deliver the ambitions set out in the NHS long-term plan. We work to reduce variation in outcomes and improve access to high quality care by using evidence based interventions across whole pathways, and for our whole population.

For more information visit our projects page to see the work we are doing to transform the diagnosis, treatment and care for cancer patients in their local area.

Peninsula Our Priorities

Our Priorities

Our Priorities

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Cancer Campaigns

Cancer Campaigns

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Getting Support

Getting Support

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Getting Involved

Getting Involved

About The Peninsula Cancer Alliance

We are responsible for leading the local delivery of the national cancer strategy which sets an exciting vision for the transformation of cancer services.

PEN map

Latest News form around the Peninsula Cancer Alliance

Targeted Lung Health Checks on BBC Radio Cornwall!

University Hospitals Plymouth Consultant Cyrus Daneshvar was on BBC Radio Cornwall yesterday to talk about the Launch of the Targeted Lung Health Checks Programme. Julie Skentelbery led a very informative discussion around the importance of attending the appointments being offered to the population of Cornwall and what the aims of…

April 04th- 08th 2022 is AYA Cancer Awareness Week!

AYA stands for “Adolescent and Young Adults,” which is defined as ages 15-39. Each year, 89,500 AYAs will be diagnosed with cancer. Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Awareness week was created to raise awareness about the unique challenges that AYA cancer survivors face each day and to show how their community…

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Every 15 minutes somebody is diagnosed with bowel cancer in the UK, that’s nearly 43,000 people each year. This April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, a fantastic annual opportunity to raise awareness of bowel cancer and funds to support the work of Bowel Cancer UK. Their website is full of…

Head and neck cancer patient-led support group launched in Torbay

A patient led, Head and Neck Cancer Support Group has now successfully launched in Torbay. Fahida Rehman-Manby, Cancer Nurse Specialist, said: “Many of our patients benefit from the 24-hour helpline run by the Swallows Head and Neck Cancer Support Group and we were keen to seize the opportunity to work…

Don’t Ignore Your Cervical Screening Invite and Are You Ready For Your Screen Test?

Over the next few months at the Peninsula Cancer Alliance we will be highlighting some Cancer Awareness Campaigns in order to improve uptake in Cervical Screening. Don’t Ignore Your Cervical Screening Invite Help us to Help you have launched a new campaign in order to highlight the importance of attending cervical…

Virtual Cancer Genetics Course 2022

The course is designed for all healthcare professionals working in primary care and specialist settings including oncology, breast care, gynae-oncology, gastroenterology and screening services. Participants will be equipped with the basics of cancer genetic counselling and sessions will include approaches to genetic testing, management of hereditary cancers and consent taking.…