Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) SSG

Next Meeting
Date: Tueaday 2nd November 2021
Time: 15;00-16:30
MS Teams Conference Call

Chair of the PCA CUP SSG is:
Position currently vacant.

Contact Details:

Meeting Notes available on request via the above email address.

The Cancer of Unknown Primary and Acute oncology SSG endeavours to deliver equity of access to the best medical practice for our patient population, promote positive patient experiences as well as ensuring that the services provided are safe, efficient and guided by evidence based best practice.

Patients with Cancer of Unknown Primary usually present with metastatic disease (secondary cancer) and despite further investigation, the primary site of the cancer cannot be established.

Acute Oncology Services (AOS) aim to provide a coordinated approach to the care of cancer patients attending emergency departments (EDs) or who are admitted to hospital non-electively by another route. These services  were developed in response to , the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death and a report by the National Chemotherapy Advisory Group, along with the Measures for Cancer Services . The recommendations from these reports have been embodied into the concept of AOS, aimed at ensuring a systematic approach is taken to dealing with cancer related emergencies.

SSG Documents

SSG Terms of Reference

Acute Oncology Covid 19 Management Plans 


Clinical Guidelines 

PCA CUP AND AOS SSG - Clinical Guidelines for CUP Patients V1.2

Useful Links and Documents 



CUP Foundation