Colorectal Cancer SSG

Next Meeting date:  Wednesday 25th September  2024
09:00- 17:00
F2f Educational Event  (invite only)

Colorectal SSG Chair
Mr Mark Cartmell  - Consultant Colorectal Surgeon (North Devon NHS Trust )
Tenure: May 2020- May 2025

For further information please email:

Meeting Notes available on request via the above email address.

Bowel cancer is the 4th most common cancer in the UK, accounting for 11% of all new cancer cases (CRUK).

The overall aim of the Colorectal SSG is to provide specialist advice and guidance to the Peninsula Cancer Alliance on the standards of service for patients with a colorectal cancer, and to ensure that these patients receive equitable and high quality care across the region.

Management of rectal cancers is provided in all five localities and all five local MDT’s have agreed on a video-linked monthly anal cancer MDT. This links all five colorectal cancer local MDT sites. The agreed centre is the Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust.

Further information on local colorectal services across the Peninsula can be found via the following web links;

North Devon Healthcare NHS Trust

Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust

Covid 19 Management Plans

PCA Modified colorectal cancer triage and referral pathway Final

Letter to GPs Re FIT for 2ww referrals

SSG Documents 

Peninsula Cancer Alliance Colorectal SSG Constitution FINAL 10.09.2018

Clinical Guidelines 


Useful Links 
Clinical Advice for the Provision of Bowel Cancer Services Nov 2017