Urology SSG

Rapid Diagnostic Services 

The Peninsula Cancer Alliance has been allocated funding to deliver the Rapid Diagnostic Programme as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan. This funding covers the continuation of the Non Site Specific Pathway and the roll out of the RDS principles into all  suspected cancer pathways by 2024.

Rapid Diagnostic Services are designed to speed up cancer diagnosis and support the NHS Long Term plan ambition to achieve earlier diagnosis and improve patient experience for all patients with caner symptoms of suspicious results.

A Bladder Task and Finish Group via the Peninsula Cancer Alliance Urology site specific group has been set up in order to:

1. Identify symptoms that may facilitate an earlier referral of suspected bladder
cancer form primary care

2. Identify differences in pathways across the alliance, sharing good practice and
clarifying the ‘pinch point’ that lead to delays

3. Standardising good practice across the alliance where possible

Further information :

PCA Bladder Pathway Update Feb. 2022

Project Brief - Urology RDS Aug. 2021